
adverse possession中文什么意思

发音:   用"adverse possession"造句
  • 逆侵
  • 逆权管有
  • 逆权侵占
  • 时效占有
  • 相反占有权
  • adverse:    adj. 1.逆的L反对的,相反的。 2.不利的,有害的 ...
  • possession:    n. 1.有,所有,拥有;【法律】占有。 2.〔pl.〕 ...
  • adverse:    adj. 1.逆的L反对的,相反的。 2.不利的,有害的,不幸的。 3.对面的。 4.【植物;植物学】对生的。 adverse circumstances 逆境。 adverse criticisms 恶评,非难。 adverse fate [fortune] 倒霉。 the adverse page 对面的一页。 adverse trade balance 入超。 adverse wind 逆风。 be adverse to 反对;不利于。 adv. -ly 逆,反对地,相反地;不利,不幸 (act adverse to sb.'s interests 举动对某人不利)。 n. -ness 逆,反对;不利,不幸。
  • adverse to:    不利于
  • be adverse to:    跟...相反, 不利于, 反对
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  1. Adverse possession of unleased government land
  2. The old man had been ordered to give up the farm , but he maintains adverse possession of it
  3. Among them , the illegal transition is the important part and the adverse possession is a kind of benefit
  4. Legislative council question 6 : " adverse possession of unleased government land " by the hon patrick lau and an oral reply by the secretary for housing , planning and lands , mr michael suen , in the legislative council


    Adverse possession is a process by which premises can change ownership. It is governed by statuteLaw of Property Act 1925 concerning the title to real property (land and the fixed structures built upon it).


        adverse:    adj. 1.逆的L反对的,相反的。 2.不利的,有害的 ...
        possession:    n. 1.有,所有,拥有;【法律】占有。 2.〔pl.〕 ...
        adverse:    adj. 1.逆的L反对的,相反的。 2.不利的,有害的,不幸的。 3.对面的。 4.【植物;植物学】对生的。 adverse circumstances 逆境。 adverse criticisms 恶评,非难。 adverse fate [fortune] 倒霉。 the adverse page 对面的一页。 adverse trade balance 入超。 adverse wind 逆风。 be adverse to 反对;不利于。 adv. -ly 逆,反对地,相反地;不利,不幸 (act adverse to sb.'s interests 举动对某人不利)。 n. -ness 逆,反对;不利,不幸。
        adverse to:    不利于
        be adverse to:    跟...相反, 不利于, 反对
        in possession:    控制球权; 占有, 持有
        in possession of:    即所有权属于某人; 一词; 应注意; 拥有; 占有; 指为某人所有
        in the possession of:    被占有; 但所有权非某人所有; 归……所有; 为所占有; 指在某人手中
        possession:    n. 1.有,所有,拥有;【法律】占有。 2.〔pl.〕占有物,所有物;〔pl.〕财产;所有权。 3.〔常 pl.〕领地,属地,殖民地。 4.着迷,着魔。 5.(足球等比赛中某一队员的)暂时控制住球。 6.〔罕用语〕自制,泰然自若。 a man of great possessions 大财主。 personal possessions 个人财物。 The keys are in his possession. 钥匙他拿着。 He is in full possession of his senses. 他显得极泰然自若。 come into sb.'s possession , come into the possession of sb. 被某人占有,落入某人手中。 come into possession of sth. 获得[占有]某物。 get possession of 拿到,占有,占领。 in possession (物)被据有;(人)据有。 in possession of sth. 占有某物。 in the possession of sb. 为某人所有。 P- is nine points of the law. 现实占有,败一胜九〔指在诉讼中占有者总占上风〕。 rejoice in the possession of 幸而有…。 take possession of 占领,占有 (He took possession of his new house. 他已住进他的新房子了)。 the man in possession 占有者,封查执行官。
        possession is:    波塞申群岛
        adverse adverse:    随着21世纪的到来
        in the possession of in possession:    在某人的手中
        adv adverse:    对抗
        adverse altitude:    不利高度
        adverse balance:    贸易逆差,收支赤字; 收支逆差
        adverse claim:    对申请的重新调整; 异议, 相反的要求
        adverse clearing:    不利的票据交换
        adverse condition:    不利条件
        adverse conditions:    不利条件,有害状态
        adverse criticism:    反向批评
        adverse current:    逆流
        adverse effect:    不利效应;不利影响; 不良影响; 毒负作用; 反效应; 反作用; 副酌; 坏作用; 逆效应; 有害影响
        adverse enjoyment:    非法享用
        adverse event:    不良事件
        adverse events:    不良事件



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  2. adverse opinion 什么意思
  3. adverse opinion report 什么意思
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  7. adverse pressure distribution 什么意思
  8. adverse pressure gradient 什么意思
  9. adverse pricing structure 什么意思
  10. adverse pricing system 什么意思


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